Reactickles 3

Fixing an circle (or ellipse) selection bug

Last night I read “Getting Started with p5.js” by Lauren McCarthy, Casey Reas and Ben Fry. This morning I tweeted out a photo of me with the book:

It’s true! By page 11 I’d realised what had been causing the bug that had been bothering me yesterday. My code for clicking to select which circle should bounce was incorrect:

 if(distanceBetweenMouseAndCircle < (springyCircles[i].radius)){ //this is resulting in a bug - radius/2 works properly, but why isn't radius alone giving the correct interaction?
 //if the mouse is under the springy circle, then spring/move it

From checkIfCirclesShouldSpring inside the MouseSpringyCircles Reactickle. The reason was that the code for drawing an Ellipse also has an ellipseMode function which dictates whether it should be drawn taking a width parameter or a radius parameter. By issuing the following command in my setup(), I could set to draw with the correct radius parameter:


This fixed all my circle selection code. The next step is to convert all my radius variables to be proportional to the screen size (as my position co-ordinates already are) rather than being pixel based. It’s important to me that Reactickles 3 is resolution independent – i.e. that it looks the same on a variety of different screen sizes and proportions.

Reactickles 3

Making KeyboardSpringyCircles, MouseSpringyCircles and KeyboardBouncingCircleGrid

My first Reactickle for today was KeyboardSpringyCircles, which can be seen at 2:31 on the video that Wendy shot:

I started by duplicating KeyboardScalingCircleGrid, then creating a new SpringyCircle object:

function SpringyCircle(){ //SpringyCircle object
 var circleMinRadius = 100;
 var circleMaxRadius = 200;
 this.colour = color(random(100),50,100,50);; //random hue, saturation 50%, brightness 100%, alpha 50%
 this.radius = random(circleMinRadius,circleMaxRadius);
 this.position = createVector(random(windowWidth)/windowWidth,random(windowHeight)/windowHeight);

// Spring simulation from
 // Spring simulation constants
 this.M = 0.8; // Mass
 this.K = 0.2; // Spring constant
 this.D = 0.92; // Damping
 this.R = this.position.y; // Rest position

// Spring simulation variables
 // = R, // Position, not needed as we have this.position.y
 this.vs = 0.0, // Velocity = 0, // Acceleration
 this.f = 0; // Force

this.display = function(){
 var translatedX = this.position.x * windowWidth;
 var translatedY = this.position.y * windowHeight;
 ellipse(translatedX, translatedY, this.radius, this.radius);

this.spring = function(){
 // Update the spring position
 this.f = -this.K * ( this.position.y - this.R ); // f=-ky = this.f / this.M; // Set the acceleration, f=ma == a=f/m
 this.vs = this.D * (this.vs +; // Set the velocity
 this.position.y = this.position.y + this.vs; // Updated position

if (abs(this.vs) < 0.1) {
 this.vs = 0.0;

this.moveSpring = function(){ //move the position of the spring a bit
 this.position.y += 0.2; //move a 5th of the screen down

As noted in the source code comments, the spring simulation was based on the spring p5.js example. Once I had the circles randomly generating their position, colour and radius, I had to add the interaction – springing if a key was pressed within their area:

function keyTyped(){
 var lowerCaseKey = key.toLowerCase(); //key is a system variable via, toLowerCase via

 //if the key is a valid one, circles nearby should react
 var positionOfKey = getCanvasPositionFromKey(lowerCaseKey);
 var positionOfKeyInPixels = createVector(positionOfKey.x * windowWidth, positionOfKey.y * windowHeight);

for (var i = 0; i < springyCircles.length; i++) {
 //for all the springyCircles
 var positionOfCircleInPixels = createVector(springyCircles[i].position.x * windowWidth, springyCircles[i].position.y * windowHeight);
 var radiusOfCircle = springyCircles[i].radius;
 var distanceBetweenKeyAndCircle = dist(positionOfKeyInPixels.x, positionOfKeyInPixels.y, positionOfCircleInPixels.x, positionOfCircleInPixels.y);

if(distanceBetweenKeyAndCircle < radiusOfCircle){
 //if the key is under the springy circle, then spring/move it


return false; // preventing default behaviour

Try the KeyboardSpringyCircles demo.

I wanted this to work with mouse clicks and touches on mobile, so I quickly created MouseSpringyCircles, which swapped the above keyboard code for a mouse or touch interaction:

function checkIfCirclesShouldSpring(){
 for (var i = 0; i < springyCircles.length; i++) {
 //for all the springyCircles
 var positionOfCircleInPixels = createVector(springyCircles[i].position.x * windowWidth, springyCircles[i].position.y * windowHeight);
 var distanceBetweenMouseAndCircle = dist(mouseX, mouseY, positionOfCircleInPixels.x, positionOfCircleInPixels.y); //

if(distanceBetweenMouseAndCircle < (springyCircles[i].radius)){ //this is resulting in a bug - radius/2 works properly, but why isn't radius alone giving the correct interaction?
 //if the mouse is under the springy circle, then spring/move it


function touchMoved(){
 return false; //

function mouseReleased(){

function keyTyped(){
 var lowerCaseKey = key.toLowerCase(); //key is a system variable via, toLowerCase via

return false; // preventing default behaviour

Try the MouseSpringyCircles demo.

As noted in the source code, there is a bug on selection of circles which I am going to come back to tomorrow.

The last of the three Reactickles that I wanted to port was KeyboardBouncingCircleGrid, which I made by combining KeyboardSpringyCircles with the previously created KeyboardScalingCircleGrid.

Try the KeyboardBouncingCircleGrid demo.


Reactickles 3

KeyboardWorm and MouseWorm

After talking things through with Wendy yesterday, I moved on from KeyBoardScalingCircleGrid to KeyboardSnake. Wendy pointed out the multicoloured background wasn’t necessary for this version – so I could concentrate on making the interaction work with a single colour for the snake. I decided to change the name to the slightly more friendly KeyboardWorm.

I began by creating a WormSegment object:

function WormSegment(aColour,aRadius){ //WormSegment object
 this.radius = aRadius;
 this.position = createVector(0.5,0.5); //start in centre of screen
 this.colour = aColour;

this.display = function(){
 var translatedX = this.position.x * windowWidth;
 var translatedY = this.position.y * windowHeight;
 ellipse(translatedX, translatedY, this.radius, this.radius);

Then created an array of these segments to make up a worm:

var worm = []; //array of WormSegment objects
var wormLength = 30; //number of segments of the worm


function setup() {
 createCanvas(windowWidth,windowHeight); //make a fullscreen canvas, thanks to:
 noStroke(); //no outlines, just filled shapes
 colorMode(HSB, 100);// Use HSB with scale of 0-100, see
 var segmentColourMaxBrightness = 100;
 var segmentColourMinBrightness = 80;
 var segmentColourBrightnessRatio = (segmentColourMaxBrightness-segmentColourMinBrightness)/wormLength;
 var segmentColour = color(random(100),50,segmentColourMaxBrightness, 100); //random hue, saturation 50%, brightness 100%, alpha 100%
 var segmentMaxRadius = 100;
 var segmentMinRadius = 70;
 var segmentRadiusRatio = (segmentMaxRadius-segmentMinRadius)/wormLength;
 var segmentRadius = segmentMaxRadius;

for (var i=0; i < wormLength; i++) {
 worm.push(new WormSegment(segmentColour, segmentRadius));
 segmentRadius -= segmentRadiusRatio;
 segmentColour = color(hue(segmentColour), saturation(segmentColour), brightness(segmentColour)-segmentColourBrightnessRatio, alpha(segmentColour));
 console.log("The length of the worm is " + worm.length);

I changed my draw() function to the following:

function draw() {
 background(255); //white background

Drawing the worm was pretty straight forward, after I realised that I had to draw the segments in reverse order so that the “head” of the worm drew last:

function drawWorm(){
 //draw the first segment of the worm last so that the shading looks correct
 for (var i = (worm.length-1); i > 0; i--) {

Most challenging was updating the worm:

function updateWorm(){

//starting at back of the worm, copy the previous worm segments position onto the current segments position
 for (var i = (worm.length-1); i > 0; i--) {
 worm[i].position.x = worm[i-1].position.x;
 worm[i].position.y = worm[i-1].position.y;
 //had to copy both values - not the reference, worm[i].position = worm[i-1].position doesn't work

As I noted in the comments – just setting the position as a reference didn’t work – I had to set each position x and y value manually – this was a nasty bug to track down, after two hours of drawing and redrawing my segment shifting code I finally realised my error.

Seeking the worm towards the key was a matter of checking to make sure that the key was valid, then easing towards the virtual key position – code that I had already written for the KeyboardScalingCircleGrid Reactickle.

function seekWormTowardsKey(aKey){
 var lowerCaseKey = key.toLowerCase(); //key is a system variable via, toLowerCase via

 //if the key is a valid one, then seek the worm towards it

function seekWormTowardsPosition(relativeSeekPosition){
 var easing = 0.05;
 //move the head of the worm a bit closer... via
 var dx = relativeSeekPosition.x - worm[0].position.x;
 worm[0].position.x += dx * easing;
 var dy = relativeSeekPosition.y - worm[0].position.y;
 worm[0].position.y += dy * easing;

You can try the KeyboardWorm online, as well as a MouseWorm version that I made as a bonus, which also works on Android or iOS mobile devices.

A piece of Art as big as India

Storyboards for the interaction

Thanks to the wonderful Tom Jennings, the project has some storyboards to help explain how to interact with project:

Deep receives a photo message from her friend Zen showing her posing in front of an amazing sculpture that appears to hang in the sky above.
Deep receives a photo message from her friend Zen showing her posing in front of an amazing sculpture that appears to hang in the sky above.
Intrigued, Deep accessed the website that Zen pointed her to.
Intrigued, Deep accessed the website that Zen pointed her to.
After the website loads, Deep finds she can pan her smart phone around like a window onto the world and even use her finger to drag and change the sculpture in real time.
After the website loads, Deep finds she can pan her smart phone around like a window onto the world and even use her finger to drag and change the sculpture in real time.
Deep finds an angle she likes and shares it with her father via a text message.
Deep finds an angle she likes and shares it with her father via a text message.
Deep’s father receives the message from Deep, an image and an instruction how to interact with the project via a feature phone.
Deep’s father receives the message from Deep, an image and an instruction how to interact with the project via a feature phone.
After checking on Google Maps, Deep’s father sends his longitude and latitude to the special number that Deep shared with him.
After checking on Google Maps, Deep’s father sends his longitude and latitude to the special number that Deep shared with him.
Deep’s father receives a text message in response, showing the sculpture in the sky above his local area. He likes it so much he shows it to Deep’s grandmother.
Deep’s father receives a text message in response, showing the sculpture in the sky above his local area. He likes it so much he shows it to Deep’s grandmother.
In a nearby square, the British Council projects the sculpture on a large wall. Locals can see the sculpture change in real time as users touch it on their smart phones.
In a nearby square, the British Council projects the sculpture on a large wall. Locals can see the sculpture change in real time as users touch it on their smart phones.
Reactickles 3

Reporting a bug properly, making KeyboardScalingCircleGrid

After tweeting about the multitouch bug to the author of p5.js, I received the following reply:

I therefore filed the bug on the p5.js GitHub.

Wendy forwarded me a video that she had shot of someone using the original version of Reactickles that I am now in the process of porting to the web. I’ve embedded it below:

The three Reactickles that I am aiming to port initially are at the following points in the video:

  1. 2:41, which I am calling KeyboardScalingCircleGrid.
  2. 3:57, which I am calling KeyboardBouncingCircleGrid.
  3. 0:37, which I am calling KeyboardSnake.


So lets start with the development of KeyboardScalingCircleGrid. I began by duplicating the code I wrote yesterday (KeyboardToScreen) and renaming the folder to KeyboardScalingCircleGrid.

I knew that I would have to create an array of ScalingCircles and instantiate them with certain values, so I had a look at the p5.js examples page to see if there were any sketches that might be useful. Sure enough, the Array of Objects example and the Objects 2 example looked perfect.

I started by creating a new ScalingCircle object:

function ScalingCircle(aKey, aCircleRadius){ //ScalingCircle object
 this.key = aKey;
 this.circleRadius = aCircleRadius;
 this.position = createVector(-1,-1);
 this.position = getCanvasPositionFromKey(aKey);
 this.colour = color(random(100),50,100); //random hue, saturation 50% and brightness 100%

this.display = function(){
 var translatedX = this.position.x * windowWidth;
 var translatedY = this.position.y * windowHeight;
 ellipse(translatedX, translatedY, this.circleRadius, this.circleRadius);
 }; //don't forget to close your method!

And creating an array of those objects inside the setup method of the sketch:

var characterSize = 50;
var circles = []; //array of ScalingCircle objects
var allTheKeys = "1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm";
var circleRadius = 100;

function setup() {
 createCanvas(windowWidth,windowHeight); //make a fullscreen canvas, thanks to:
 colorMode(HSB, 100);// Use HSB with scale of 0-100, see
 for (var i=0; i < allTheKeys.length; i++) {
 circles.push(new ScalingCircle(allTheKeys[i],circleRadius));
 console.log("The size of the circles array is " + circles.length);

Finally, I looped through the array of circles inside the draw method of the sketch:

function draw() {
 background(255); //white background
 for (var i=0; i<circles.length; i++) {

This resulted in the following output:


The next step is to add scaling when keyboard buttons are pressed.

I added a scaleUp() method to the ScalingCircle, and changed the display method to ease towards the new targetCircleRadius (The Processing Easing example was useful for this):

function ScalingCircle(aKey, aCircleRadius){ //ScalingCircle object
 this.key = aKey;
 this.actualCircleRadius = aCircleRadius;
 this.targetCircleRadius = aCircleRadius;
 this.position = createVector(-1,-1);
 this.position = getCanvasPositionFromKey(aKey);
 this.colour = color(random(100),50,100); //random hue, saturation 50% and brightness 100%

this.display = function(){
 var differenceInRadius = this.targetCircleRadius - this.actualCircleRadius;
 var changeThisFrame = differenceInRadius*easing;
 this.actualCircleRadius += changeThisFrame;
 var translatedX = this.position.x * windowWidth;
 var translatedY = this.position.y * windowHeight;
 ellipse(translatedX, translatedY, this.actualCircleRadius, this.actualCircleRadius);
 }; //don't forget to close your method!

this.scaleUp = function(){
 this.targetCircleRadius = this.actualCircleRadius+10;

Then added code to check which button was pressed, and to call the scaleUp() method on the correct ScalingCircle in the circles array:

function keyTyped(){
 var lowerCaseKey = key.toLowerCase(); //key is a system variable via
 for (var i=0; i<circles.length; i++) {
 if(lowerCaseKey == circles[i].key){
 return false; // preventing default behaviour

This resulted in a pleasing scaling animation, but it wasn’t quite as fast as the video, so I altered the easing ratio to 0.3 from 0.1, as well as setting a fixed number for the target radius of each circle – initially 100 pixels, then 200 pixels on keypress. Finally, I changed the colour of the circle to be 50% transparent to match the blending effect that was visible on the Reactickles 1 demonstration video.


However, in the video I could see that the circles not only scale up, but scale back to their original size – and worse than that they don’t scale up in a linear way, but seem to “bounce” around their full size – overshooting initially and then scaling back. From previous experience in Actionscript and C++ I knew of the existence of Robert Penner’s Easing functions, and that it was very likely that they had already been implemented in p5.js. I Googled “easing functions p5.js” and found p5.ijeoma.js:

 A p5.js addon for ijeoma.js, a JS library for creating animations.

I downloaded the library and added it and its dependencies to my libraries folder. Looking at the examples and documentation I started by creating a tween for the scaling up of circles:

function ScalingCircle(aKey){ //ScalingCircle object
 this.key = aKey;
 this.startCircleRadius = 100;
 this.endCircleRadius = 200;
 this.circleRadius = this.startCircleRadius; //start with the start
 this.scaleUpDuration = 0.5; //take half of a second to scale up
 this.scaleDownDelay = this.scaleUpDuration; //wait until the scale up is down to scale down
 this.scaleDownDuration = 0.25; //take quarter of a second to scale down
 this.position = createVector(-1,-1);
 this.position = getCanvasPositionFromKey(aKey);
 this.colour = color(random(100),50,100,50); //random hue, saturation 50% and brightness 100%, alpha 50%

this.display = function(){
 var translatedX = this.position.x * windowWidth;
 var translatedY = this.position.y * windowHeight;
 ellipse(translatedX, translatedY, this.circleRadius, this.circleRadius);
 }; //don't forget to close your method!

this.scaleUpAndThenDown = function(){
 //syntax for tweens is createTween(object property, end, duration, [delay], [easing])
 var scaleUpTween = createTween('this.circleRadius', this.endCircleRadius, this.scaleUpDuration).easing(Quad.In).play();
 var scaleDownTween = createTween('this.circleRadius', this.startCircleRadius, this.scaleDownDuration, this.scaleDownDelay).easing(Quad.Out).play();

Unfortunately, this didn’t work, resulting in the JavaScript errors:

[Log] p5 had problems creating the global function "frames", possibly because your code is already using that name as a variable. You may want to rename your variable to something else. (p5.js, line 9429)
[Log] p5 had problems creating the global function "stop", possibly because your code is already using that name as a variable. You may want to rename your variable to something else. (p5.js, line 9429)
[Log] The size of the circles array is 36 (sketch.js, line 14)
[Warning] Only numbers, p5.colors and p5.vectors are supported. (p5.ijeoma.js, line 142)
[Error] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this._properties[i].update')
 _updateProperties (ijeoma.js:1170)
 dispatchChangedEvent (ijeoma.js:1297)
 seek (ijeoma.js:194)
 play (ijeoma.js:148)
 scaleUpAndThenDown (sketch.js:59:122)
 keyTyped (sketch.js:31)
 _onkeypress (p5.js:16261)
 (anonymous function)

I duplicated the code into an example, Tweeted at the developer, filed a bug on the library GitHub and rolled back to my previous code.

I decided to try getting elements to scale up and then down, before worrying about “bouncing”.

function ScalingCircle(aKey){ //ScalingCircle object
 this.key = aKey;
 this.circleBigRadius = 200;
 this.circleSmallRadius = 100;
 this.circleRadius = this.circleSmallRadius;
 this.position = createVector(-1,-1);
 this.position = getCanvasPositionFromKey(aKey);
 this.colour = color(random(100),50,100,50); //random hue, saturation 50% and brightness 100%, alpha 50%
 this.millisToScaleUp = 50;
 this.millisToScaleDown = 200;
 this.startScale = 0;
 this.endScale = 0;
 this.scaling = false;

this.display = function(){
 var translatedX = this.position.x * windowWidth;
 var translatedY = this.position.y * windowHeight;
 ellipse(translatedX, translatedY, this.circleRadius, this.circleRadius);
 }; //don't forget to close your method!

this.scale = function(){
 var now = millis();
 var millisElapsed = now-this.startScale;

if(millisElapsed < this.millisToScaleUp){
 var howFarAlongScaleUp = millisElapsed/this.millisToScaleUp;
 var howFarAlongScaleDown = (millisElapsed-this.millisToScaleUp)/this.millisToScaleDown;

if(now >= this.endScale){
 this.scaling = false;

this.scaleUp = function(howFarAlongScale){
 var differenceInRadius = this.circleBigRadius - this.circleSmallRadius;
 var newRadius = this.circleSmallRadius+(howFarAlongScale*differenceInRadius);
 this.circleRadius = newRadius;

this.scaleDown = function(howFarAlongScale){
 var differenceInRadius = this.circleBigRadius - this.circleSmallRadius;
 var newRadius = this.circleBigRadius-(howFarAlongScale*differenceInRadius);
 this.circleRadius = newRadius;

this.scaleUpandDown = function(){
 this.scaling = true;
 this.startScale = millis();
 this.endScale = this.startScale+this.millisToScaleUp+this.millisToScaleDown;

This resulted in a scaling up and down, but without the bounce that I could see in the video.

Computational Arts

Session 2: How to go deeper, A billion dollar budget and hero selection with Jayson and Julianne

We started by reviewing John Cleese on creativity:

Then went through the homework from the last tutorial:

  1. Describe how to go deeper in your chosen area of practise. Beyond the surface. How can you make new human contact in your area?
  2. Make a paper-based mockup of your project if you had $1 Billion in funding.
  3. A person who is alive now who could be your hero/heroine within your chosen area of practise.

Jayson started by describing some of the discussions he’d had with the other associate lecturer on the MFA course, Helen Pritchard, around computing research in the UK:

I referenced Stephen Wolfram and his work on cellular automata, especially in relation to Andy Adamatzky’s work – but also his determination to publish A New Kind of Science himself – using the proceeds from Mathematica to allow him to do that to his specifications.

I also referenced Einstein’s quote, after discussing Rule 30:

It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience.

Or another way:

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.

We discussed the idea of taking a simple thing and then (to paraphrase Ruairi Glynn):

Repeat until beautiful

Which we agreed was unsatisfactory. Finally we discussed the magical Wyvern Bindery as an example of a business using a craft that gets deeper the further you go.

Jayson stated that he thought Deep Learning was interesting, as well as light based computing (on a macro rather than photonic scale). I challenged him to use light based computing to explain Deep Learning techniques visually and interactively. I repeated the challenge was to take a complex idea and make engaging without making it banal – to go down the rabbit hole and bring up a golden egg – i.e. not to stay in the hole!

Julianne stated her area of interest was Holography, and particularly its history. We discussed how commonly Pepper’s Ghost was inaccurately described as a hologram.

She went on to reference two artists:

Even though they weren’t strictly holograms, Julianne spoke about a feeling:

…like a strange intelligence…

When she observed either artists work. I spoke about the potential of computational art is to make feedback loops rather than the observer pattern of other practises. Computational art can be different politically to the capitalist tendency to subsume and devour any new forms of expression and incorporate them into its money making, novelty seeking regime. That resistance is possible via computational work.

I referenced Mark Rothko’s taking back of his commission for the Four Seasons hotel and gifting the some of the work to the Tate Modern in the UK – but specifying the light level for the work’s exhibition. I referenced the light levels to encourage Jayson and Julianne to think about the light levels and level of explanation that they provide for their exhibition at the end of the MFA course – sometimes a dark space can be a feature rather than a bug, but how do they deal with it in the most effective way?

Jayson said that if he had a billion dollar budget for his work, he’d make an orbiting system of lasers – I responded with a why? What function would this make, artistic or otherwise. I referenced using lasers as air pollution meters (or making cheaper alternatives) and also the Greenwich Meridian laser installation.


Julianne spoke about making an improved heart rate monitor, and scaling it’s use to more than 100,000 people. I suggested using a mesh network to make that possible, as more conventional networking would quickly be overcome by that many people in proximity. Julianne also discussed making some large scale suspended Pepper’s Ghost illusions – we reviewed Madonna’s performance from 2006 and noted the smart placement of an artificial crowd of actors to obscure the lower part of the screen and ensure that the real audience didn’t get too close.

I then went on to reference non-contact methods of measuring pulse, especially the work at MIT:

Including sound recovery:

Julianne and Jayson both selected people to be their hero/heroine within your chosen area of practise:


We continued by reviewing Durrell Bishop’s design for an answering machine from the previous session, and concluded by watching Every Frame a Painting‘s documentaries on Chuck Jones and Jackie Chan:

I concluded by issuing the following tasks:

  • Find an egg and present it at lunchtime.
  • What is the human contact with the egg, what’s the use of it?
  • Why would someone care? Why do you care as author?

In the new year:

  • Interview your hero!
Reactickles 3

Working towards porting a Reactickle by translating keyboard presses to the screen

After checking in with Wendy on the project, I started porting the first Reactickle to the web. I’ve christened this Reactickle KeyboardSnake. It’s a very simple interaction on the surface – pressing any of the keyboard makes a multi-coloured snake-like circle form seek that position on the screen – with each of the keys of the keyboard corresponding to a different relative position on the screen canvas.

To start development I wanted to make the mapping between screen and keyboard easy to see, so I created an intermediate piece of code called KeyboardToScreen.

I need to map the positions of the four rows of keys from their positions on the keyboard to their relative positions on screen:

  1. The first row of keys are the numbers, from 1-0. There are 10 keys in this row.
  2. The second row of keys are the letters qwertyuiop. There are 10 keys in this row.
  3. The third row of keys are the letters asdfghjkl. There are 9 keys in this row.
  4. The third row of keys are the letters zxcvbnm. There are 7 keys in this row.

I needed to make a new function that would take any keyboard press and return a vector comprising two floats – the first being the relative x position of the key pressed to canvas space, and the second being the relative y. The p5.js wiki page on JavaScript basics was very helpful on how to make new functions and return values, with the handy p5.vector class perfect to store the key’s canvas position.

The key variable stores the most recently pressed keyboard character, so that was perfect to use to call my custom function. I needed to make extensive use of the switch statement in order to deal with all the keyboard presses I might have to deal with – not forgetting their uppercase variants in the case of characters.

Try the demo of KeyboardToScreen. Source code is also available.

Reactickles 3

Completing the p5.js tutorials

In my previous post, I completed the following tutorials from the p5.js website:

  1. Hello p5.js
  2. Get Started
  3. p5.js overview

First, I fixed smart quotes in said previous post, then got on with the next tutorial, p5.js and Processing aka Processing transition.

Several parts of the tutorial were particularly interesting or relevant to the Reactickles 3 project:

  1. The ability of p5.js to take multitouch input, rather than just from a single mouse or trackpad. To test this out, I created a multitouch demo, “TouchDemonstration“. Unfortunately, it didn’t work on my laptop, so to test it I wanted to put it on the web proper. I knew GitHub had a hosted pages capability, so I followed the tutorial and created pages for this project. I had to make the circles sufficiently large to be seen under my fingers, and scaled my canvas to the full size of the window, but even then they didn’t seem to be picked up as multi touches rather than single ones. I posted on the forum and am awaiting some tips. I noted that the developer of p5.js seems to be changing the things are working with multitouch in the next release.
  2. The difference between Global and Instance mode, and via that page:
  3. The concept of Closures, and why they are so powerful:

    A closure is a special kind of object that combines two things: a function, and the environment in which that function was created. The environment consists of any local variables that were in-scope at the time that the closure was created.

In order to stop the duplication of code from one folder from the other, something that is sure to create bugs, I moved all my source code into my GitHub pages (or docs) folder on the GitHub for the project, with one unified libraries folder for p5.js and other JavaScript libraries.

A piece of Art as big as India

Final changes to the demonstration files for user testing


Dietrich Ayala added click and drag functionality to the project, via the Click Drag component, so after merging and pulling his changes to my local project folder, I installed it via:

npm install aframe-click-drag-component --save

I also edited my demonstration page for the project to make it much clearer which pages should be used for user testing in India next week.

Finally, I moved the virtual mountain a bit higher in the virtual sky to encourage users to look up.

A piece of Art as big as India

Creating the release versions of the demo’s for user testing

User testing in India begins next week via the British Council so this week is my last chance to tweak the two demonstration files I’ll be submitting, one designed for iPhones and PCs without cameras and one designed for Android phones and Laptops with cameras.

On a Google Pixel phone the Mountain component isn’t particularly speedy, so I started by duplicating the component and trying to edit it to reduce it’s resolution. I also created a new pug file for the faster component and added it to my mainForRelease.js file so that Browserify would bundle it properly.

After a chat with the author of the component, Kevin Ngo, on the A-Frame Slack, he advised me to submit a pull request with the changes I required, and he would fold them into the main branch. He also supplied me with a tutorial on how to submit a pull request. I removed all my previous work and started by forking Kevin’s K-Frame repository by clicking the fork button on it’s GitHub. A new fork now existed on my GitHub. I then cloned it to my local machine:

git clone

Then I moved into the folder itself, and created a new branch called mountain-variable-size:

cd kframe
git branch mountain-variable-size
git checkout mountain-variable-size

I then ran:

npm install

To install dependencies locally, then:

npm run dev

To ensure I had a local working copy. I ran:

git config --global core.editor "nano"

To make sure I was using the simple nano editor for any git editing that might happen. I then edited kframe/components/mountain/index.js to the changes that I wanted, which were all to do with reducing the number of width and height segment in it’s internal PlaneBuffer. I then added it to my branch, ignored the generated kframe.js and kframe.min.js files, committed my changes and pushed the changes to my fork on GitHub.

git add components/mountain/index.js 
git checkout dist/kframe.js
git checkout dist/kframe.min.js
git commit -m "Added world-depth and world-width to Mountain component"
git push --set-upstream origin mountain-variable-size

Kevin then merged the changes into his Master, and pushed the changes to npm, which meant I could just run:

npm update aframe-mountain-component

To get all the changes in my project. Creating a lower resolution mountain with the following pug code made everything run on the Pixel far faster:

a-mountain(id='mountain' color='rgb(128,0,128)' shadowColor='rgb(255,165,0)' world-depth='128' world-width='128' position='0 2000 0' material-side-modifier-mountain)

You can try the faster demo, and compare it to the slower version. I also added these changes to the release AR and the release static panorama demos.