
EVO, Vale Tudo and Kilian Eng

How to watch EVO – the biggest digital fighting championship in the world. I don’t think it will be that long before real life boxing or American football is banned, is uninsurable or not taken up by the youth – EVO must be the replacement. It’s always a good sign when a subculture evolves its own slang. I guess I’m a “Stream Monster” now.

Vale Tudo seems to be the physical opposite of EVO.


Kilian Eng makes beautiful visual things. Wired Article. Behance. Tumblr. Clearly inspired (in the best way) by Jean Giraud a.k.a. Moebius.


Tiles, The Police Helicopter as Travelling Salesman and an Application for finding Faces in Clouds

Tile helps you find things.

The Travelling Salesman Problem is a classic – I wonder if they use it to route Police helicopters in Hackney? Or patroll cars? Or Bobbies on the Beat? If they exist any more that is. Perhaps super criminals could use a series of spurious emergency calls to drag the network of Police officers away from an area of the city that they wanted to wreak havoc in.

There are many face recognition applications out there, but what about using them for false positives? Deliberately making an app to look for faces where there are none? In clouds or walls or hills? I’ve always wanted an augmented reality application that strips my world back to all the vertical lines, all the horizontal ones, all the circles or all the squares.


HARP and HAARP, Howitzers and going an extra Dimension to find structure

Don’t confused Project HARP (High Altitude Research Project) with HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program).



Mr. Gerald Bull certainly never gave up on his idea of using massive guns to launch vehicles into space – until he was assassinated. He also made one of the longest range Howitzers ever.

Cupurates are a copper containing materials whose superconductivity seems to confirm String Theory.

A useful iOS application for thinking about four dimensional geometry – it really helped me to see how to rotate a Tesseract in four dimensions of space.


Magazines becoming Agencies, #Flock, Doodle3D and using Quartz Composer to Prototype

Magazines are becoming advertising or marketing agencies, or setting up spin offs:

Vice has Virtue.
Dazed has White Label.
It’s Nice That has INT Works.

How many readers of Vice realise that it’s partially owned by WPP? I wonder how they would react? Would they even care?

Who needs an agency these days? Companies can go direct to freelancers thanks to platforms like OnSite.

Berg announces more usage of their BERG Cloud with the release of #FLOCK, in collaboration with Twitter.

Doodle3D from Rick Companje – making 3D printing easy for everyone (especially kids).

Building Facebook Home with Quartz Composer from Dave O Brien.


Environment Sampling, making books with GitHub, Illusion Houses and seeing through walls with Wifi

I’ve noticed the trend of Environment Sampling recently.

Peder Norrby is the man behind the flickr album and the founder of Trapcode. I’ve always wanted to do environment sampling in the real world – projecting cities on to forests or waterfalls onto skyscrapers.

Coudal Partners have been doing similar things, but transporting the night sky.

People are making collaborative books on GitHub now.

An Illusion House in London that samples the very local environment.

More tracking of movement through WiFi – “WiVi”.

More brilliance from the team at Marshmallow Laser Feast. I’m sure they were under alot of pressure to do another “pretty thing with drones and lasers”, but they did a brilliant collaboration with Richard Dawkins instead – still with some lasers though. Natch.


Earth Engine, Ryan Holiday says the media is broken, 1920’s London in colour

Earth Engine, from Google. Just like when I used to play SimCity or Civilisation at maximum speed.

Ryan Holiday smashing modern media.

Via Jamie Smart, London in the 20’s:


C++ to JS, How the US Turned Three Pacifists into Violent Terrorists, Proteus and Cook on Leadership

Tom Carden notes how he’s moving from C++ to JS. From Cinder to Ember:

04/06/2013 07:33 Around last year’s Eyeo I was writing C++ and Cinder every day. This year I’m writing more JS and Ember. Weird :)

How the US Turned Three Pacifists into Violent Terrorists.

Edge reviews Proteus. I can’t wait to play this. Different every time, but still designed.

Tim Cook on Leadership.


Magazines as a Platform, Virtuix Omni, Anki Drive and Photek

Interesting discussion in the latest issue of Port about magazines. I’ve always been interested in thinking of a magazine as a platform. I always remember the window onto the world that The Face and i-D and Dazed&Confused gave me when I was growing up on a mountain in Wales – and the looks I got in the Post Office when I picked up my “funny magazines”. That feeling of having, or wanting to wait is gone forever.

The Virtuix Omni is a peripheral that allows you run and move more naturally when exploring a virtual environment.

The Anki Drive allows you to race against real toy cars.

Photek interview from 96 via Run Dem Crew.


Reconsidering Machiavelli, Chris Hadfield, Wifi as a sensing platform

Was Machiavelli actually a satirist?

Chris Hadfield’s post landing interview:

Wifi is a usable sensing platform for gesture recognition throughout your house.


Mr Doob, Berg to Fabrica, Remixing Headers and Machine Learning for Google Images

Mr.doob (@mrdoob) 28/05/2013 18:18 A little experiment I did for @XOComm exploring how many interactable particles 2d canvas could handle. Bonus: π.

Also including works by Marius Watz, Joshua Davis, Kyle Mcdonald and Casey Reas.


Berg have launched Sandbox:

Sandbox — for institutions and companies to figure out what connected products mean for them.

Remix your JPG’s online with the HEADer_REMIX.

Machine learning for unlabelled images in Google+. What will Google do with this next? Imagine searching by content of images – or for the photo with the big yellow flower. Research paper on the subject.